Alva x Luca

This is a webpage for those that enjoy AlvaLuca.

Why a carrd?
In old internet fandom days, webpages dedicated to particular ships were common. I am just indulging in an old tradition for fun.


Last Edit: 10/18/2022

Hello my name is Andrew! I am in my 20s and I go by he/him pronouns. Obviously, I am obsessed with AlvaLuca and I hope you enjoy this carrd! Feel free to make your own on any ships or characters you enjoy, no need to credit me for the idea!Please enjoy your stay and let me know if you have any suggestions! MWAH!

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Why To Ship AlvaLuca

This section is to hold any ship manifestos created by fans of the ship.What is a ship manifesto?
A ship manifesto is a meta essay meant to introduce fans to a ship and promote it by explaining its appeal. Ship manifestos generally include nonfiction character studies of the characters involved, canon information and analysis about their interactions. More
If you have created one, feel free to send it to me!!

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